Our learners are at the heart of our school.
Our learners are at the heart of our school.
Our learners are at the heart of our school.
A warm welcome to Cambridge Park Academy from myself, our governors and our staff team!
I am incredibly proud to be the Principal here at CPA and It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website - we hope it gives you a taste of what Cambridge Park Academy represents and a sense of the shared pride we have in our school.
Our learners are at the heart of our school. Everything that we do is about ensuring that their school experience helps them develop both educationally and socially in a fun, engaging, caring and supportive environment. When learners leave Cambridge Park, we aim for them to have a range of educational, independence and self-help skills which will support them in progressing to the next stage of their lives.
CPA coffee morning tomorrow (Wed 26th March) 9am - 11am Lived experience guest speaker - Autism & the realities of being a Neurodivergent family. Free pre-loved uniform Complimentary drinks, biscuits and fruit!! No need to stay for the full session, just pop in and say hi
KS3 students enjoyed investigating the different jobs that people had during the Great Plague of London. They had to think critically about the purpose of the different historical artefacts and decide what they might be used for.
Our history fun continued this afternoon for Hazel class. We made pomanders in class, then went to see Samuel Pepys, where we explored different objects and reenacting a scene from the Great Plague of London. We have had such a brilliant day!! @HistoricWorkshops
North East Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum CIC
This is a positive step for our local area!
In Hazel class some plague victims met different "doctors" who talked about their treatments and cures. The plague victims hadto decide whether they would chose to be treated by them... @HistoricWorkshops
Hazel class have had a brilliant morning learning about the Great Plague of London! We have even been visited by the plague doctor and Samuel Pepys. @HisoricWorkshops
It's Red Nose Day, and Cornflower Class has been celebrating in style this afternoon with an amazing red-themed party! The children have had an amazing time getting creative, decorating their own biscuits with bright red icing – and of course, enjoying their tasty masterpieces! We've also had plenty of fun dancing along to music, filling the classroom with energy and laughter. No party would be complete without some delicious party food, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. It's been a wonderful afternoon full of smiles, fun, and a splash of red to support this fantastic cause!
Happy Red Nose Day from Snowdrop Class! We've had a lovely day, designing our own red noses, dancing at our party this afternoon and even pinning the red nose on mini Miss Trott!
In Buttercup we have enjoyed decorating our own red nose face plates, exploring red themed activities and having a little party for Red Nose Day 2025
Metamorphosis Our young artists have blown us away with their final controlled assessment pieces. Well done to Hawk and Kestrel Class on your completion today
Sunflower class are having so much fun on Red Nose Day! Here are our best funny faces